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Stop using strftime. Seriously. At least if you are using Rails that is.

Rails, or rather, its I18N dependency, has a much better alternative I18n.l. The great thing about it is that you provide the name/kind of the format that you want separately of the format itself, so that you can, for example, change it completely for the whole application, or for a different locale.

The usage is quite simple. Instead of

Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

You can do instead:

I18n.l Time.now, format: :myformat

with the myformat format defined in a locale file, say config/locale/time_formats.en.yml:

      myformat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M;%s'

The format string supports all the same format options as strftime, so conversion of your existing strftime code should be completely trivial.

It is important to pass a Symbol to the :format option of I18n.l, or it will try to interpret it as the format itself, and not its ‘name’ in the localization file.

Note: I18n.l has an alias I18n.localize, feel free to use it if you like to type.

When you are inside of a Rails view, you have another shortcut:

= l Time.now, format: :myformat

This is not all, yet…

It works for dates to:

I18n.l Date.today, format: :myformat

Event though it uses the same format name, it will use a different localisation key:

      myformat: '%Y-%m-%d'

Of course myformat is not such a great name for a format name ;). In a real application I would use something like compact, full, connfig, etc.

A couple of formats,:short, and :long are already provided, but I wouldn’t rely on them and I suggest you define by yourself any time/date format that you intend to use inside of your application.

Given that module Foo is defined elsewhere what is the difference between this snippet:

class Foo::Bar

and this:

module Foo
  class Bar

Answer inside ;)

Given that module Foo is defined elsewhere what is the difference between the following 2 code snippets?

class Foo::Bar

and this

module Foo
  class Bar

It is actually quite simple. The following code:

# foo.rb
module Foo
  BAR = 123

module Foo
  class A
    puts BAR

class Foo::B
  puts BAR

will output:

foo.rb:13:in `<class:B>': uninitialized constant Foo::B::BAR (NameError)
  from foo.rb:12:in `<main>'

Simply put, while A has access to the insides of the module’s Foo namespace, class B is defined outside of this namespace, only the result of the definition is put as a constant inside Foo.

I most frequently stumble on this when I want to define some common constants in the parent module, just like in the example above. Given that and the fact that the 2nd form doesn’t actually require the module to be defined, the 2nd form is probably better and is a safer bet in most cases.